ACS Representative Janelle Wilkinson, Stuart Walthall, ACS Rep. Daryl Wallace and Rick von Geldern with $20,000 donation from ESBB for the Road To Recovery Program
The relationship East Sac Baby Boomers has forged with the American Cancer Society and its Road To Recovery Program has been satisfying, rewarding and effective. It’s been two years since ESBB and ACS-RTR have formed their partnership and ESBB is proud to continue its support of this worthy program.
Download PDF FlierCancer patients cite transportation to and from medical treatments as a critical need, second only to direct financial assistance. An estimated 3.6 million Americans delay or have difficulty getting needed medical care each year due to the lack of available and affordable transportation to treatment. The ACS Road To Recovery Program offers transportation services free of charge and ESBB has helped provide this crucial service to hundreds of patients. The RTR Program has become a valuable asset to our community.
ESBB has provided our community with an opportunity to show its generosity and to Pay It Forward. Thus far, ESBB has contributed $22,500 to the American Cancer Society’s Road To Recovery Program. Let’s keep it going.
To volunteer as a RTR driver visit: or for more information about the American Cancer Society call: 1-800-227-2345.
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